Workshop in Fuud in the Fridge

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summary of me and @Duudle’s calamity playthrough

i saw a sprite for an au by @Vack and drew it for fun so ye here ya go

my drawing is the first image, his sprite is the second

hes a platypus. they dont do much

i used a random quote generator and put some of my friends names in it then drew whatever it generated lmao

@Duudle @Supper122

what is this strange yellow object

me and @Duudle having a standoff

“this town aint big enough for two idiots”

made a little drawing of me and my little bro :)

it took a little while as i kept having to pause cuz i started before we went to the top of that building

i drew my little brother!

its my first time drawing a human on phone and im pretty happy with how it turned out!

new oc!

i felt my old design was boring so i decided to make a new design focused more around fire

heres some stuff about this little dude

just finished up that doofenshmirtz i started earlier

“what kind of a plumber are you?”

“a platypus plumber?”

“perry the platypus plumber?”