Gaming in fuzzy's silly community of sillies

Post memes, art, or random things :D
my youtube channel is going amazing so far. 147 views on first video, 587 views on second video. just released the third video.
i just hope this era of my youtube channel doesn't end up again like the other ones 👍

my ahh got lazy to finish the wip, so I just remade my idea in the game lol

new song coming up!!
it aint gonna be easy-

Staring at someone menacingly (I was Goob)

Gm and here is my hello John Doe tier list

i think ive gotten the rarest achievement in all of half life 2...

So I got the Superior rarity skin for Odo Island Monster...

take this random ass clip of me trying to fc ectopleasure (apocalypse)