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#GJAsks My favorite quote, is from my favorite mario's character: YOU WANT FUN? WARIO SHOWS YOU FUN!

my fav quote from undertale: wanna have a bad time-

My Favorite Quote Is From Final Fantasy 7 Remake "Like I Give A Shit.."

#GJAsks My Quote Is "I Found You Faker! Faker I Think Your The Fake Hedgehog Around Here! I'll Make You Eat Those Words!"

#GJAsks mt favorite quote? Hmmm... It's hard to pick favorites, but, uh, "I'm outta here. *jumps to death*"

#GJAsks What's your favorite quote from a video game?

Mine probably has to be Sonic's "Talk about a low-budget flight! No food or movies? I'm outta here!" from Sonic Adventure 2!

#GJAsks A famous explorer once said that what is extraordinary is what we do, not who we are. (Lara Croft, Tomb Raider)

Best video game quote: "But for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole. So don’t keep the devil waiting old friend" - Cassette man, fnaf.

#GJAsks Ryu's quote from Street Fighter 4 is my favorite video game quote.

"who am I?" from the character selection screen of the binding of isaac goes insanely hard #GJAsks