Gem Talk in Gem's Cool Community of Cool People

say hi :3

!! QNA TIME !!

Submit your questions under this post's Comments and I will answer them In a Video!

Have Fun, Go Wild!

since 58% of you voted for gamejolt comments QnA rather than google forms.

Here is another poll.

Should I answer the QnA questions in a VIDEO or respond to the comments directly?

  48 votes Voting finished

woe... thank you guys :D I should probably revamp the community sometime :3c

Sigh... I guess we're not done here, you fellas are lucky. (/j again)

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I saw this submission and thought it was worth its own video.

Watch the video before Voting

DON'T vote for the first one because "you shouldn't change who you are because of us" please :3 I appreciate it though

  71 votes Voting finished

hey guys I kinda wanna make a GameJolt Specific QnA, if I were to, should I do it publicly under comments or give people the option to do it anonymously under like, a google form or something? (you'll still be able to type in your name)

  55 votes Voting finished

Round 7 of Secret Messages

If you want to be In the next round, here's the Link,

Only rule is to not be mean.

Inappropriate things Will be Censored in Videos, but Idc if you send them :3

Click the submit button once, don't spam

Completely random.

but I have just discovered metal detector videos and oh my lord why are the little metal detectors so cute they're like "WoooWooOWoOo \owo/" whenever they find something

ahh... finally, now I can stop using gamejolt for the rest of the year (/J, this is an obvious joke guys pls)

alriiighttt ill get to it sometime since like 65 of you want it so badly :3c