waifu_land in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!


What if we unofficially name "GJ-Chan" Caroline

i still can't get rid of the fact that luke did this

ayo alicia what you doing on the banner

(got to post this in the waifu land channel because alicia)

also no i'm not on desktop i just turned on desktop mode for mobile

So, what kind of cute Valentines Day outfit ideas do you guys have?

My Doki Doki Literature Club Ship pair.

​miagine if alicias last name was waifubate, ​like waifu and bate

hey, lets get @LUKELCS to change Alicia's header to this photo, #changeAliciasheader


I guess @SawBFB made this channel? Because I don't remember making it lol

Welp! I’m done! I told you it would look worse. OwO.

My rough draft art thing. It’s gonna look worse, I promise. When I color it in and clean it up. Or you know it could look better but most likely it’s gonna look worse.