Gym in ~|Broken High|~

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Shikamaro: I’ll stay here in case Andrea comes back..

Alrighty, Shika you coming?

Or should I call ya Shi-Shi

Arm falls off

Amy: l-let's get to Andrea...I-I want to be safe...f-f-from M-Monty...

Well you're not there now

I'll walk you home later to help

I'm sorry but we need to look for Andrea

Amy: th-the scar tells it's...true...he's back...h-he's house...trying to find me...and end my life...


*Helps her up*

He's not here anymore, it's fine

Amy: !- - fell to the ground- >-< I-I-I feel h-him...I-I-I f-feel...Monty >-< h-he wants to...k-kill me...f-forever...just like my parents >-<

Let's find Andrea

*Grabs Tooyo's hand*

You coming with dude?
