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A very special thanks to @AverageJerryFan and his backup accounts for make me reach 100 followers

And also everyone that followed me until here, you guys are the best

Watchful Bear Remake finally released guys!!!!!!!!!!

Watchful Bear | Remake - Official Release Trailer
"Watchful Bear | Remake" Official Release Trailer.WonderBears Co. has hired a new employee on the night shift in "Wonder Bears Attraction" to guard the equip...

This game made by @TDG_Games needs way more attention, it is so sick the mechanics

Go give some love to Cosco's 2, it looks amazing!!!

My pal @TonyTheCat here is a real talent dude, go give him some love

V 1.0.1 mobile is out

-Minigames fixed

-Some bugs fixed

V 1.0.2 For mobile is out!

-Bugs fixed such as extras not appearing

What's up? How is life going bud?

frontpage banner still in production

What i'll do after?...