general in Procreate fam


Here’s me in my dreams at night. The QR code is to the site I used to make the second picture

Eliza evaluation

V1 Dec/11/2021

V2 Dec/26/2021

V3 Jun/4/2022

V4 July/13/2022

V5 July/20/2022

Behold Eh-squidward, the ship child of Squidward from SpongeBob square pants and my OC Eliza!

This horrific thing was made by my lil sis Queen0Squirrels, and I love it!

400 follower special

I drew 16 of my followers!

Look in article below to see who is who

9 spots left! I’ll draw the winner!

How to enter:

1. Follow me

2. Send me you PFP in comments so I can put you in

Day 20 of the 40 day OC challenge where I draw my OC Eliza every day. Today’s prompt is Mad!

I’m halfway done!

Day 19 of the 40 day OC challenge where I draw my OC Eliza every day. Today’s prompt is Embrace!

This is a new favorite for me

Welcome welcome to the Procreate community! If you don’t know what Procreate is, it’s a drawing app. I do all my art there it’s really easy to use and I’m always learning something new.