general in Jackal hound

Well, as for my favorite retro game, it's definitely Battle City (in Russia we call it "Tanchiki"). I played it when I was 3 or 5 years old and had a Sega Mega Drive console. Oh, those were good times!

Roblox is actually increasing friend requests!?

A screenshot I took back in October 2022.

$2,000 for a graphics card!? I mean, you could buy a pretty good computer for that price.

The first pre-release for Minecraft 1.21.4 is here!
More info from this video:

Holy f**k! 75 followers! Thank you, fellas, so much! 😊

Just letting you know that sonicgreen created yet another account.
I encourage you guys to block sonicgreen_a040, and also report him. (you probably already know sonicgreen ban evaded many times.)

Half-Life 2 is 20 years old!
Also, the game is currently free on Steam until tomorrow (November 18).

Added this song to this video