general in Jackal hound


New wallpaper!

NEVERMIND! It was a pretty easy fix, the game is working properly now!

I've updated the game to Version 1.313 to fix CobaltPLUS elevators not working.

Unfortunately, Roblox broke my game because CobaltPLUS main module got moderated by Roblox which most elevators use, and I don't have the time to fix it right now.

Java Edition 25w04a is out!

More info from this video:

Roblox changed the stats GUI when you press Shift + F5

or other keys: Shift + F1, Shift + F2, Shift + F3 and Shift + F4.

Blackout: Revival

Happy birthday!


The one thing that's holding the Roblox engine back isn't Windows 7, but rather It's OpenGL ES 2.0 support, this Graphics API is literally 18 years old and no one uses it anymore.

Mazda Type Font on Roblox