General in JR's Fan Community

Let's talk about JR's!

I found a secret.


After playing through the bonnie bounce game and collecting all the carrots, a secret map shows on the home screen. Upon going back in to the game and using the corrupted carrot, you see the note in picture 2. Any thoughts?

Are you a JR's fanboy?(hint: vote yes, VOTE YES!)

Β  9 votes Voting finished

By the way, did you notice that animatronics jumpscare sound in JR's has been changed with patch 1.2.2?

Haters in the comments under your videos be like:

My most successful video on my YouTube channel. It has almost 3K views per 2 days! I don't know how is this even possible if i have just 19 subscribers on my YouTube channel!

Am I the only one who’s didn’t get to play JR’s?

What I adore about the animatronics designs is the use of uncanny valley. If you saw the art of the characters as they are they would look fine but when you translate that to real life the exaggerated features look unnerving

Okay, i know that i said that i am going to sleep now, but i just don't understand, how build 1.2.2 saved my progress from build 1.0.0, what a magic!? This is definitely a good newsπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Special drawing for my bestπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


Like this post if you still hearing in your head soundtrack from final bossfight in JR's