Jax Justun Studios Chronicles in The Jax Justun Studios Community: Population: The Future Games will Start with YOU!!!

Welcome to THE JAX JUSTUN STUDIOS COMMUNITY page! Where my future games start with me and U!

2019 Parody Characters #11 & #12 - Mr. & lord Crayola "The Crayola Brothers" (Both Created from: Feb. 7th, 2024 - Feb. 9th, 2024) We've been seeing so many parody duos here!!! Too many to count as well!!!!

2019 Parody Characters #8 & #9 - Mr. & Lord Vaccum (Both Created from: February 1st to 2nd of 2024) Almost every brother of a sibling are unique in every way possible!!!! But, not everything's exactually what they supposed to be!!!!

Hey guys, just letting you all know that I'll be releasing releasing the rest of the episodes/chapters of the #JJSChroniclesSeries on a separate/different official game page!!!!!

2019 Parody Characters #8 & #9 - Mr. & Lord Vaccum (Both Created from: February 1st to 2nd of 2024) Almost every brother of a sibling are unique in every way possible!!!! But, not everything's exactually what they supposed to be!!!!

2018 Parody Character #7 - Mr. Eyesaur (Created on: January 14th to 16th of 2024) There's no doubting when create parodies out of official hand-made-ed materials!!! These are all clearly states of all parody arts here!!!!!

2018 Parody Character #6 - Tangled (Created on: January 9th to 10th of 2024) It's been nearly years on end, and we're finally going to be talking about the very first hand-made parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios!!!

2018 Parody Character #5 - Mr. Lazynose (Mr. Lazyhose) (Created on: January 8th, 2024) We've been searching all parody worldwide for some more parody mascot-ed fun here!!!

#2140GameJoltPosts have been created!!!!!! But today's special one here's of course, to where we talk about everything here in the official "Jax Justun Studios Chronicles" Channel!!!! These are the parody stories, lore, & histories of all #JJSParodies!!!!

2018 Parody Character #4 - Gridget (Created on: January 5th, 2024) Within these parody walls of Jax Justun Studios lies a parody-like piggy that could kiss you whole while nothing's happening here!!!! Okay, sounds weird, but hear me out ok???

2018 Parody Character #3 - Jeffrrey (Created on: January 5th, 2024) This right here's none other then, "Huscker Starr"!!!! The official #3rdParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios and.....Hold on!!! Wait a minute here!!!!