Minecraftia in The Jax Justun Studios Community: Population: The Future Games will Start with YOU!!!

Welcome to THE JAX JUSTUN STUDIOS COMMUNITY page! Where my future games start with me and U!

Hey guys, just a quick announcement for today here, just letting you all know that all JJS Parody Forms of all parody cameo characters of Jax Justun Studios are now freshly in the works right now!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #14 - Sir Nudbbal (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) WOW!!! Draxx Dustun Studios has done it again here!!!! And it's not even the end of #SeptemberOf2024 just yet right there!!!!! That rhyme sucks, I know folks!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #15 - Nappy Snappy (Created on: September 22nd, 2024) Well guys, today's September 22nd, 2024, and Draxx Dustun Studios has done it yet again!!!! And why do all of these look so easy to design here!?!?!?!!!

Hey guys, it is me again!!! Sorry for the lack of future updates for today/tonight here on September 20th, 2024, I've been of course, pretty busy with work during the past three days here this week!!!!

Hey everybody, morning as well too!!! It's now September 17th, 2024, but anyways, sorry for the lacks of future parody contents you guys!!!!! I'm of course waiting for the clock to reach the time on when I'll be getting ready for work today!!!!!

Afternoon everybody!!!! I'm me from a future post and everything here on September 16th, 2024!!!!! If you're all reading and/or seeing this I have of course, a special announcement for today!!!!

Afternoon everybody, today's September 16th, 2024, and yes, I'm off at my job!! So lucky me I guess!!!! Anyways, just yet another quick announcement as always!!!!! For this #2016thGameJoltPost of course!!!!!

Man old man!!! Why do these things take so long to make here!?!??!!! Anyways, for tonight's/today's final post here, the #2015thOne, I just have yet another special/quick announcement to make here!!!! And I think it's the same as before and everything!!!!

Attention everybody!!!! Today's now September 13th, 2024, and Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science (plus Minecraftia Studios) have a special announcement to make!!!!

Afternoon everybody!!!! It's now been a week now, and it's finally September 11th, 2024!!!!! Sadly folks, us people here at Haxx Hustun Studios are now having a situation with our staff friends at Jax Justun Studios!!!!!