General/Random in Jeremy Community

What happening old sport :)?


This is my spawn day guys!!!!!! i sooo happyyyy!!!


Very nice

Helping Helpy #HelpWanted

#HelpWanted no se si realmente será tan divertido pero bonk-a-bon suena y se ve divertido

Ya somos 170 seguidores siuuu / We are already 170 followers yessss

Este es un llavero peculiar que encontró mi hermana y le puse mis llaves y lo quisiera pero mi hermana no me lo quiere dar

This is a peculiar keychain that my sister found and I put my keys on it and I want it but my sister doesn't want to give to me

Voy a hacer feddys de los ignited de tjoc ya que ase mucho que no hago bastantes feddys

I'm going to make feddys of the joy of creation since it's been a long time since I don't make enough feddys

Five Nights At Freddy's movie and Eight Friendly Animals assets

Fnaf movie poster and logo:…