Important announcements in Jeremy Community
What happening old sport :)?
Hago este post para avisar de que mañana are el especial 900 maquinitas (asi llamo a mis seguidores)
I make this post to notify that tomorrow I will do the special 900 machines (that's what I call my followers)
Acabo de crear esta comunidad para que cualquiera publique sus feddy´s, fan-art de feddy y memes sobre feddy claro
I just created this community for anyone to post their feddy's, feddy fan-art and memes about feddy of course
Gente me suspendieron la cuenta por dos dias,y la captura es del primer dia por si se lo preguntan
People my account was suspended for two days,and the capture is from the first day in case you're wondering
Solo me faltan 4 para llegar a las 800 maquinitas :D!!!!!
I only need 4 to reach 800 little machines :D!!!!!
Me estoy empezando a sentir con fiebre, creo q fue por lo de la lluvia
I'm starting to feel feverish, I think it was because of the rain
A pesar q se aya cancelado mi comic GJTMA les aviso q pronto publicare un comic mucho mas corto y q ya esta listo
Even though my comic GJTMA has been cancelled, I'm letting you know that soon I will publish a much shorter comic and that it's ready