What happening old sport :)?

(Eight Friendly Animals) M E M E S

Si este post llaga a los 100 likes digo lo que me da miedo

If this post reaches 100 likes I say what scares me

Mi mejor dibujo hasta el momento

My best drawing so far

Bienvenido o Bienvenida a la comunidad Jeremy Community

Una comunidad 100% Randon hecha por un pibe aun mas random XD


  1. Nada de rule 34

  2. Nada 18+

  3. Respeta a los demás pls

  4. No robes arte solo di que no lo hiciste tu y pon quien lo hizo

  5. divertirse es obligatorio

Welcome to the Jeremy Community

A 100% Randon community made by an even more random boy XD


1. Nothing from rule 34

2. Nothing 18+

3. Respect others pls

4. Do not steal art, just say that you did not do it and put who did it

5. have fun

Report A community for about 2 years