general in The nation of Karix-ox

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Final desgin of darven yats

Facts about Kariax-Ox (this is all before the tryanny era)

The kariax dominion (Vengeance flag)

Father and son.

(Note, In the lore to my point of view this WILL CHANGE! because I have plans for my nation.)

Part four of the "Luminis: Lost to Mankind" lore series.

"Unlikely Alliance: Arcronox and Kariax"
(Written by yours truly.
Edited and proofread by Chad GPT.)

The socialist/communist party of kariax-ox

She is making everyone her opps

(ft. @newzealanddevil )

New flag of Kariax-Ox (Non-libertarian and non fascist)

Added the nations in the alliance.

Made a alliance flag!