general|🍃∘˚ in 🦊︴雨's kitsucats┆🦊

Hey Candies!
I Have a little question for y'all!
How do u think I(Swi) would sound like based on how i look?
I feel like my art on paper is waaay better than digital
Idk why-
It might be because i draw on my phone which is kinda small and it's uncomfy to draw on it.
Do u have any ideas on how to maybe make is more comfy?
In advance
Thank u Candies :3
I'm sorry for the lack of art..
I'm very, very sorry...
Oh my stars why...
Another one spamming THE ABSOLUTE SAME THING
Whyy.. just whyyyy..
They need to be destroyed and erased from here forever
My stars... we..
Please report this horrible person..
They're making p*** traced art of some very good people and spam it in the comments of their posts..
Please this monster needs to be taken down.
The power is back online :D
A power outaaage
Exactly what i needed to start drawing a celebration art
(My phone is at 19%)
Sorry Candies.. I'm really sorry
I can't finish it untill the power gets back on.