All Posts in Knuckles Sandwich Diner

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old character mechanic info stuff from 2020

So uh..I know i haven't sent any updates on this game for about a month or so currently

So I figured I'd do a Q and A of sorts about ksd. Feel free to leave the questions in the replies, i'll likely get to responding to them this weekend

Progress is gonna be very slow for a while since college work is keeping me busy


1. Yippeeeeee

2. Free meme

KSD updated backroom sprites

Giga luigi

I tried to make a non-sonicfied knuckles basing on real echidnas and on fleetway knuckles, what do y'all think? #Sonic #Knuckles #KTE #KnucklesTheEchidna

Toadette moment

Toadette ai wip