All Posts in LEGO Artwork

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I don't know if this is valid to complete the quest. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I've built Perry the Platypus from the animated series Phineas and Ferb, but in the GameJolt colors.

As Doofenshmirtz would say in Spanish: ¡MALDITO SEAS, PERRY EL ORNITORRINCO!


Hey people! How's it all going? I hope it's okay.

Well, this time I present you the Lizard from Spider-Man, but made with lego.

Once again, I had problems because I almost ran out of green pieces to finish it.

I hope you like it.

Take care.



This is my fully complete LEGO/Megaconstrux hybrid Fnaf Movie SpringBonnie/The Yellow Rabbit.

Very happy with this little guy, I’ve put lots of work into him, hope you guys enjoy.

Final update on my LEGO Darksiders 2 Death and Ultimate Reaper form. New hands for the reaper form and various paint updates for both reaper form and Death himself. Now I gotta get started on my LEGO RE4 Ada Wong and Leon Minifigures.

LEGO Darksiders 2 Death and his Ultimate Reaper form revisited. I’ve been revisiting and updating a lot of my stuff recently. Don’t mind Springtrap in the box.

A Custom Mega Construx, LEGO Hybrid. This is Silent Hill 2006 movie Pyramid Head, he’s fully poseable. He’s getting an updated skirt piece very soon. Hand sewn. I used LEGO for the Great Knife and the leg extensions underneath the cloak.

My custom LEGO-MegaConstrux hybrid Fnaf movie “The Yellow Rabbit” is complete.

Happy Easter

Hey there, everyone!

Here's some simple four different colored 8 bit Mario sprites made out of Lego Bricks.

Nothing crazy, but hey, I hope you guys enjoy it, nonetheless!