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julian stole kinitopet,s gills/antenna (dotpict art made by mitikuz)




'' kill..? I would never do that ! ''

" heheh... "


'' h o w d i d y o u k n o w ? ''

(The cat Julian art I made but it's animated)

Hello it's me the dave and bambi fan (or pretty blood fan) from reddit

*throws up fanart*

(Yes that was supposed to be that one pb crossover, so that's why Julian's a cat-)

50. Members. Wow. Thank You Guys SO MUCH For The Support &, If You Haven't Already, Go Play 98xx NOW! You Are Gonna LOVE IT. Thank You So Much Not Just To You, But To ALL Of The 98xx Fanbase As Well As JacksonG13, Who Created 98xx (read The Article)

98xx Full Game Is In Development! (yes I know I'm late)

POV: when Julian did something bad and JacksonG and deleted jumping Julian

my jumping julian 98xx secret level concept.



1101000 1110100 1110100 1110000 1110011 111010 101111 101111 111001 111000 1111000 1111000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 101110 1100011 1101111 1101101 101111 1110011 1100011 1100100

what if jumping julian met kinitopet.



