discussion in LISA

Share your creations!

You think Timeless will ever have a legitimate, non-joke 3rd party member or will there only be Elton and Berny?


What is the weirdest mod/fangame You have ever seen of Lisa?

I need ideas for the new Eaton

The reason why there isn't a "new mask" mod for Joyful is because every individual jump, drop and leap event looks like this.

Brad's based stats as Nobody at levels 1, 25, 50, 75 and 99 and how many arms he has. [Warning lots of numbers]

"Проклятый этих радостный мутанты, они посмели вторгаться на нашем территорий. И поэтому надо продумать вот что..."

-белокнижник Михаиловски

evil rando

what are the chances that the first few members of the lovelies outside of hart were all random guys hart punched into submission and told them to join his new gang?

soon it will be the 21st night of September...

send me ur sprites and ill try to do them in painful style