SIX BC NEWS in Keigo_Takami Fan Group

What's up?

Can I ask that all of you report that guy for such a fucked up act?
My sister has no right to say I have GYAT
(I'm very much a man, I was born a man, always will be a man)

My sister just called me an npc for listening to "Hello" by OMFG
Tomorrow is our last day with Matpat
Tomorrow is another day... 😔
We have 8 more days with matpat guys 😔
Oh my fucking God
I went to search up real life heroes on YouTube because I was bored
I searched up fuckin "Real Life Herpes"
Follow @jayonicblaze immediately, for they are a GJ Legend
We must surpass @Joshua-1223-5 in within 6 months, we've achieved 300 or so followers in the past 11 days, we can beat em