SIX BC NEWS in Keigo_Takami Fan Group

What's up?
I'm about to end my whole existence with a sentence:
I've never watched Gravity Falls

You know I'm a terrible person when my folder ain't even a folder anymore
Bro go follow @ThePlatinumBlade he's a legend
I just witnessed a girl deal a FIRM SLAP to some dudes ass
That was a hard slap mf
Is bro okay? ðŸ˜
Follow @honeybunns897 immediately

I think the coolest dream I ever had was when I dreamt I was a speedster
It lasted about 7 seconds but God damnit it was cool
I learned to phase my hand through walls in those seconds
Feels weird that I've been on game jolt for 3 years. Time flies....
Apparently some games had some anti cheat things or whatever breached, so here's thr announcement to know what to be aware of. Stay safe citizens