SIX BC NEWS in Keigo_Takami Fan Group

If Hamburgers are a large American stereotype then my God am I am American American
Bruh TitaniumSalvage is severely underrated
This guy legit needs more subs

My teachers should never ask me to draw D.B. Cooper ever again 💀
I've already been called "The Rizzler"
The theme for lovestruck week at my school is Dress to Impress
I did the only thing any sane man does
I dressed as The Riddler
If you wanna join me in SpiderHeck (pvp)
Here is the code: FDEA91
If you wanna join me and my cuz in a Spiderheck PVP game,
I'm making a match, stay tuned chat

I'm a part of Weapon X now

Prices are fuckin wild without discounts
Scares me
I think I just found the place where the weird people in my school go to have private relations
That stairway NEEDS a camera, my goodness