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Somebody kill me.


Me and my gf when I meet greenboy and knuckles fan killers and tell them to fnf battle me

All credits to the fnf Restoration Of Sonic.exe oh ya if you haven't noticed the news greenboy and knuckles fan have sex in sonic speed simulator publicly

Patrick look You're italian

@Dot_Barrett01 you shouldn't spend so many coins, I assure you. I don't mind, but I'm not sure you should spend so many coins just to make me happy.


idk if i'll do phases 2 and 3

School Days HQ OST: "Breaking Myself"

I'm watching the Russian dubbing of the fifth episode of the anime "Lucky Star"!

All Right Guys Let's Go Back Into The Old Times... Before 1 Or 2 And Half Years Ago I'm Returns Playing Sonic Dash Ones Of My Favorites Games And Look Anything Changed And Look My Record...

Hey everyone let's help @SpinbladeTH2009 get 200 followers :3


I went through this ending again. I'm back with Katsura Kotonoha, but I have a question: ''How?!'' But relationship with Sekai: 139. And relationship with Kotonoha: 150.

Game: "School Days HQ"

Developers: "Overflow".