general in LucyTH's Official Community

Share your creations!

Such nonsense and stupidity that appeared

i cant even upload a game now ;-;

I need reach 150 subs or 200 pls sub me for the new video about sonicgreen
friendly reminder that around a year and a half ago, i didn't even have this account
and now im sitting at 1132 followers
time sure flies by, right?

I'd say this is an 8/10 loaf, as his paws and tail are visible
everyone i know its strange why i cant lets you guys allowed to post about @KidsG
Follow the 5 truly people for helping me and supporting me
Such an needless way to go
The topic known as suicide is such a illogical and cowardly choice
Those who choose this shall not be trusted too much
It's more logical to call a hotline for those who choose this
Such nonsense that is happening