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Five nights at Smudger's 4

Prisma 3D Maple Haven

WoodyXD2 HomeStar FanaMationU



Now here's somethin' rather different, and I pretty much did it outta complete boredom. But I wanted to try it, feel free to share you're opinions.

Compromised, but not lost…

I exist, as an “Agent of Vengeance”.

I show evil no mercy.

I am a joke to you?..

When you make the mistake of angering the Demi-Demon, I/he would morph into this monstrosity, a form where I/he would be now known as "Mox Mox"

If you provoke this demonic entity, there's NOWHERE to run!

"Don't fuk with the immortal demi-demon, ME."

Introducing... 16.

I actually doubted myself if could succeed in doing this one for a long time. But, I guess I pulled, eh? Lemme know what y'all think 'bout dis!

Something that I made for fun, but ended up becoming my new Desktop background, after having the same lame old for a long-ass while. But, hope y'all like it! :>

some Higurashi fanart I made when my WiFi was out desu~!