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@PlushTailsthefox is scared of insanity tord so I made this:
(Sorry Plush Tails)

Is there any good artist that can help make a new header for my social media with all the main characters I put in my fan-art contest? Because the current one I have is really old. If someone does it, I will put it in my fan-art contest.

Meet Insanity Tord (WARNING: Blood)

You guys have 17 days left for the fan-art contest so hurry up and submit your fan-arts in the fan-art tab of my community.

We got more entry's for my 16th Birthday Fan-Art Contest, and it's doing well, we got 15 entry's so far, can we get to 20 or more before May 28th? Let's find out.

Note: One of the entries were made as a joke.

We got a couple more submissions, can we get more before May 28th? Also yes, you can submit a second submission for the contest if you like since one person named Linkboi did it.…

We got two more extra submissions for my fan-art contest, make sure to join and submit your art of my characters after May 28th.…

Two new submissions for my 16th Birthday Fan-Art contest, can we get more before May 28th? Go to this post to find my characters designs:…

Parts Needed for my upcoming Map (In article):

Video (In this Gamejolt Post):…

If interested you know what to do!

Ryan and Ryan Tails in my style!