arts in Max4459 Fan Community

(write your post here!)

Tord and Mila: The Invention Duo

"One Giant Robot?"

"No. Make that 2 Giant Robots!"

if you guys want to do your style you can


Our 4 last submissions for the fan-art contest, thank you everybody for joining this fan-art contest, I love you guys, I'm actually happy this contest became a success.

Here is three more submissions for my fan-art contest. Oh yeah, today is the last day for my fan-art contest, so make sure to submit your fan-arts to me before I close it.

Slaughter Me Street: Evolutions Puppets


123 Slaughter Me Street Retro puppets (Including the Hunter!)

Date created: 5/27/22

Made in Piskel and Pixlr

123 SMS 2 Retro concept

Date created: 5/24/2022

Made in Piskel

a night sky with Twinkle! ^^