criticism in that vegan teacher criticism group

gordon says

read article

beginning teacher went after freaking cocomelon what has the world come to at this point should I even bother posting about this anymore

just waiting for her to disc free so that once I have a YouTube channel I could just go all out on her

I think I now know why the teacher hasn't been taken down yet cuz we haven't taken action and with the new Milestone of 801 followers that I have gotten I say it's time we been together and ban her ourselves

be vegan yea

okay I think we need to catch up a little bit on the vegan teacher stuff this group hasn't had much activity in a while I'm hoping to change that now so yeah been a while since I posted here just know that this isn't going away

matt is doing target practice and thatveganteacher is the target...END HER

Lol i saw a post and she said "dont eat animals" and mcdonalds said "Without the bbc sauce" and elon musk said "fax" Then Vegan teacher said "fuck you"


L e t ' s C e l e b r a t e L o l
I N F A C T L E T ' S E A T C H E E S E B U R G E R S

She made her dog go vegan called gliderguy racist while trying to justify the n word WTAF how stupid can you get like Holy crap