I'm so lonely dawg😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
me when Phineas and Ferb are in the neighborhood:
And then I sing this:
(I'm scared they'll ask me why I'm reading on a summer vacation)
a message from mr. hedgehog
Who changed the banner?
It's not bad or anything, it's just that some1 did it without my :perm:, even if your a collaborator, i'll let it slide, cuz it's nothing that personal, it's just a banner
Welcome to the next level!
Welcome to the Modern Sonic community!
Where fun and fantasy- Oops wrong game.
Where blue speedy hedgehogs are formed around to make this community!
Please read the rules before joining!
(The ART Material used for this Community isn't ours so, BIG BIG BIIG CREDIT to them ARTISTS')
1. No spamming
Spamming of any kind is not tolerated here (comments, posts, etc.). Punishment: 1 hour ban
2. Don't be creepy.
Don't act creepy toward any member or make them feel uncomfortable. Punishment: 1 week ban
3. Swearing is allowed.
Swearing is allowed, but to a certain extent, and no slurs are allowed here. Punishment: 1 day ban
4. Respect privacy
Don't ask for personal information from people, as that might make them feel uncomfortable. Punishment: 1/2 week ban
5. No NSFW or gore.
NSFW or gory content of any kind is not allowed. Punishment: 1 day ban
6. No Impersonation
We need to know who people actually are. Do not impersonate others unless it is dead obvious that you are impersonating Punishment: 1 hour ban