All Posts in Playfull Nights With Nugget And Friends

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caption this but is chikn nuggit

Yea I can see slushi being in sonic one day…

Chikin is here

Those nights at ponies Twilight sparkle is the leader she will send a group to track Sunny

Impressed by Six nights at Pinkies Five nights at Pinkie's and One week at ponies

Look at the comic book that happened in generation 4 it turns into a new generation that happened 2 animatronics will be replaced to twilights fantasy restaurant Sunny is a security guard and Izzy is a contact when Sunny is ben

Here is Sunny Gen 5 getting a phone call and what happened to candlelight they are taking a job called Twilight fantasy restaurant after Gen 4 mane Six robots balloon Spike play Discord two broken bots and 2 unknown ponies

Left hallway is done

I gotta better at the chkin nuggit art style! I think (also this is a new extras menu pose)

