Security office in |§|Lolbit’s pizzeria|§|

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*P.A: Hey everyone this is well L0lb!t and I come baring horrible news… Ritmo is well back so I recommend staying in a room she won’t know of and not come back out til the coast is clear. See ya then. If you $urv!ve~

*Ennard FINALLY found lolbit*

(i got lazy)

*Ennard Fell Asleep*


???: why is there a gap in the door ooo a vent

cc: we are in the securily room

*lolbit transferred his mind into the computer even tho he couldnt move*

Shadow Bonnie talking clearly : You will stay you can do nothing I have you under my control I zapped you and took control over you YOU CAN DO NOTHING!!!

*Something seems... wrong...*


Shadow Bonnie : To k33p y_u cont@ined b3cause y_u @r3 causing chaos!

just know y_u won’t 3sc@p3 nobody will h3lp