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who tf let their child sing about a school shooting

Oh, perfect!!!! Dhar Mann is potraying people with bipolar disorder as unnormal psychos!!!! What amazing representation indeed!!!!/sarc

Fanart of Julia and Zoe from Sesame Street that I did when I was high tired af

If you don't leave a like for how cute this pup is. You hate cute animals. He's the cutest thing!

Random hooman that's just there to be there.

Possible beef with hooman that's circled?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

All gacha characters I've done.

Battery acid 101. Eyedrops. May drooled for my right eye. May have made a weird noise for my left eye.

Uhhh... Kidz Bop ? You do realize you're making kids sing about falling in love with a woman's body (sexual attraction), don't you?

Say Squidward backwards