my_deranged_thoughts in Deranged Thoughts HQ

Share your crimes against humanity

What's this? Frosty has decided to get off of his ass for once, and release a demo? And on new years day? Yes. Yes I have.

Trendeh time

Due to the fact that I am not a certain popular farm animal, I have to post this.

So, somehow I managed to miss the fact the over 100 people are now following me. So thank you everyone! Sorry that I'm an oblivious idiot.

On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your stroke?

  5 votes Voting finished

Karens: aLl Of ToDaY's NaTiOn iS BrAiNwAsHeD

Also Karens: No! Gosh is a horrible HORRIBLE WORD. That's what my parents and their parents before them, were taught.

I'm about to save a lot of people, a lot of money

I just realized something. I'm in my room (which is locked), I have stopped all social interaction, and I haven't talked to my family in two days. I am officially a hermit.

Behold. I belong to a noble cause, and you can too! All it will require is some paperwork, and a few binding documents. Join, and you can t-pose with us. In harmony.

still a piece of garbage