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Hey guys, I came back to post this since New Years is 2 days away
This goes out to all of my friends, followers, and people who like my posts
I just wanna say thanks for everything you’ve all done for me :)
Even though I ruined your lives…
Thanks :)

It's really violent and inappropriate

Me hating on myself from like last week and the past for being a stupid edgy trying to be hardcore cringelord acting like I'm not going to do the same thing next week:

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been waiting for this moment for 4 years and, it is goddamn finally happening.
(Yes the skin and backbling is real and it is coming out soon!)
Hey guys, I've been banned from my phone and laptop from my mum but I'm going to dad's tommorow, so I'll be back online on Discord! But for now, here are the top 3 most expensive games I own (all disc). I love all these games and I'm not selling them lol.
Hey, my friends Mettaton and Kel have made their own professional and growing AU called JUNDERTALE with in my opinion, good characters that deserve to be known in the UT community!
Have a check out at their Discord server here:
Going to Comic Con as Sans wish me luck guys! Please could you join my FAVOURITE Discord server made by THE Mettaton? It would mean a lot to me since we are at 108 DFDCers. The server is for all Undertale, Deltarune and Don't Forget fans (We just like to talk about anything)