🎨Arts/Animations in Pretty Blood (Unofficial) (w.i.p)

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Fluffin is der and i make a cherecter from fluffin show name liter

Elma is back!
And I made art of it! :3
Hope you like it!
Created by Twinkling or purple rabbit
Here's the video:

Elma Trailer (Sightly Blood)
All music is composed by NASHqpYou can check all of his work in herehttps://nashqp.newgrounds.com/

My series Pretty blood be like

The Techno Remake, also I wanted to remake him cuz my Skill,,,
When the Andrei's Corporation Takesover America

also, the same thing but only this part

this again... but now in digital
my next pretty blood animation
(after the one that im currently doing)

well when i end this animation this will probably be my next big animation