Moderators 💼 in Digital Art! ✨

Share your imagination with the world!

Time to redesigning!

Digital Art now has a new style on the logo and the banner, and also we have a new community Classroom, there if you know about Digital- Traditional Art, Graphic Design, etc, you can help others teaching in there

I hope you like it ;)

Dear Digital Art community, please hear me... If you still do this anyway even after you read this post, I don't know what to do, it will just end up... Being nothing but a waste.

2023 Update: This post is outdated, so please ignore it.

Oh well, I forgot to say something important, just in case.

This is related to the Speedpaints channel in Digital Art community and its usage issue.

Well it's nice to participate as a moderator of this community. Thanks @Jusebe :)

Anyways, I'm not ready for QnA's so I'm going to explore about this community deeper than ever

In this community you only have one mod xD

(Read the article)

Another special art for this cool community! Congrats for 1000 milestone! I don't expect to get this far so fast though! :D

I can't believe that this is happening, my little community grows up :')

And this is thanks to all of you and for celebrate it I want to invite you my Digital Artists to participate in our 1000 members special for participate read the article


We did it, guyz.

Woohoo! Thanks guys for make us having 700 members! I'm not a moderator or a collaborator of the community, but since Digital Art is my favorite community I decided to do this special artwork.

"Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one." - Doc Brown

Is there something you want to see in this community's future? Let us know in the comments!

We're so glad to have you here @TadCooper , thanks for accepting being part in this beautiful community, we hope we can do an exelent group :))