Contest Entries & Drawings in Cult of Randomidiot666.

Some joke or other, I ran out of ideas.


Mechdusa is the closest thing to terraria's dinosaur other than Duke Fishron, who's way too difficult to draw.


Drew my favourite roblox meme.

Green bonnie with purple eyes.

Requested by @Ender73

"The air is getting colder around you..."

Updated Hells' Flag a bit.

I tried going back to my first art platform, MSPaint and making something.

This (bad) Eye of Ctuhulu is what came out.

I advise you other artists to try going back to your first art platform and making something.

#SmithsRedesignContest for @Randomidiot666

This was harder than the previous one but I tried ;-;

Online code - FQB7SI5

Offline code in article

Beware the man who speaks in hands.