Post Anything Here :D in Pikachu's Hangout

Got something in mind? You can share here!

H-HELLO, HELLO *sigh* this is my last cellphone, just please hear me out, *the barks come louder and louder* OH NO, THERE IS NO PLACE LEFT, JUST LISTEN PUGGY NITCH IS DOING AN PUG ARMY YOU HAVE TO ST-*click*

favourite dog breed?

Will you ever accept my friend request that's been pending for a trillion years?

is sanic here?

my last question for this week

on a scale of 1-10 how much do you love Pugs?

1=I don't really like them 10= they are the greatest things in existance (im a 10) and if you want join my community all about pugs :)

Also what cool things did you get for Christmas?(if you do it)

I got a Bluetooth speaker and my very 1st drawing tablet (its for beginners) as well as some super stylish Eevee socks

is water wet?

Favourite animal?

1 question (you don't have to answer if you dont want to) who did you follow 1st on Gamejolt? ._.

ok so i'm sorry to question this i now is preety serious but(WARNING ITS ALL AN BIG JOKE DON'T TAKE ITS SERIOUSLY) are you an pikachu or an sonic?