question_dares_question in Pikachu's Hangout

Got something in mind? You can share here!

Oh yeah I have another dare for knuckles can he send out the following pokemon while the other dare I requested for him






and flareon

question 1 sonic: did you know you are epic???

question 2 Pikachu: who is your trainer or wild???

dare 1 tails: burn my damn cookie it has raisins in it

dare 2 knuckles 2: dab on the haters

dare 3 amy: don't chase sonic for the rest of this month and nex-

dab plz *dare*

i dare sonic do it this...50 pack of chilli dogs

and i dare pikachu do eat this ice cream box...its an g i a n t ice cream box

🎶What does the fox say!🎶 (genuine question here idk XD)

Hey so question_dare_question is back. Sorry maybe I accidentally deleted it. You can ask question here! (For Q&D only)