Fanarts in Pixel-1 / Animagicmusic Community

Post your stuff, maybe it gets featured...

Tibetan foxes are some weird looking foxes

Tommy Vercetti - GTA Vice City

One of my favorite childhood game.

I Remade the old S2 Riggy sprites ! 1st picture is the base 2nd is color Palette 3rd is reference and fourth is final design

I was making this when the #gamejoltcolors event was active, but I never ended up completing it.

Traffic cone zombie from PvZ


Prompt: Zombie


Well this art is interesting,

Pls don't get mad:(

Was making a Fenec fox but lost all progress after medibang crashed.

I ended up completing this old fox drawing instead.

Probably one of my weirdest looking fan art yet

Daffodil from Spiritfarer

Mae Borowski

I tried drawing from memory, I think i got it right


Prompt: Skeleton

I decided to make the Giant remains from rdr2

and arthur for scale.