general in PlushAleena Community

Fox away!!!

please follow my friend @Jose_and_Luigi_channel , he's a cool dude with some creative ideas, and is about to hit 200 followers

i made me!

this time i'll answer questions you got about me or my intrests, note that if i believe its something i'd rather not reveal yet or ever, i wont answer it

and its also not going to be dumb questions

message: *in article cuz its too big XD*

message: jump out loud for flumpty's jam

Hi! I'm Flumpty Bumpty. I'm an egg. I'm immune to the plot, and can transcend time and space. Also, I'm coming after you. You can figure out the rest. Have fun!” *Giggle*

message: S is for hedgehog s s hedgehog (joke9

i dont get it...

1st: You should stream in twitch
i'll consider it
2nd: sand
sans is sand
3rd: DIE
no u
4th: very luxurious up here :britian:
idk what to say
5th: mr flobbers- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i dont get it
(the rest is in the article)

message: your life is worth NOTHING. you serve ZERO purpose. you should ____ yourself NOW.

*pulls out uno reverse card* no u

2nd: whats your favorite pizza topping

i dont eat pizza, but i still draw the line at adding pinnaple to it (rest in article)