general in PlushAleena Community
Fox away!!!
follow @GreenStarAKAToySonic2004Reborn, she's still a great person, sure she's done some bad stuff, but we all do something bad, and i forgive her, ya'll should too, more in article ya know what to do
and im also doing this one last time, with the blush thing, this time pair me with a fictional character and i'll give a blush precentage on it (character must be from undertale, deltarune, sonic or fnas)
since there wasn't much in the last one, lets redo it, you can do anything about this, and i'll respond with a precentage, say anything, pair me with someone (user, character, etc) YK the drill
can be from sonic, deltarune, fnas undertale ETC
go follow and support NF TAILS (@Nightmare_Funtime_Tails) now!
(she seriously deserves it)
Cat reveal :D
his name is midas (no he doesnt turn stuff into gold) i decided to reveal him now that he was loafing
now that i have a lot of followers, im asking, pls join, i put effort in this community
1st: Hey bro I'm sorry what happened in the group chat I hope you're OK I did not know what happened and And I did not know you had beef with him I hope you forgive me
its ok i already forget this,
rest in article