general in PlushAleena Community

Fox away!!!

took this from @Manic0626

im all ears for questions about my OC

note in the article:

been a long time since i last used this shit, so might as well

literally me when i die at the final attack of an undertale fangame:

(even if i've already beaten that fangame it still pisses me off)

Tomorrow we start the friend request event, anyone who wants to be my friend sends me tomorrow and I accept them all

Finally! this post got 50 likes! ^w^

I have fun making secret messages like 15 questions that have nothing to do with anything, I find it funny hahaha

The truth is, moving to Serbia was nice but it's cold every day, a person like me is South American and also used to temperate climates, this means cold.

Today these important days are also celebrated, I think all celebrations are important
