General in The Poopshitters Club.

Share your things and stuff go wild! (Ps don't go Crazy on Porn)


Alright i've just gotta say it.

I do not give a fuck about what mob won for the mob vote.

Boo-hoo *baby cry sound* Sniffer won yeah cool, I'm just sick to my fucking core seeing kids sending one each other death threats about it,

Like Jesus grow up..

Man today I had a lady check me out at the Ice cream shop today.

New Guy on my Shit list.

DustDust Lore

This is me playing Minecraft nothing wrong here, Just me In my Knight gear and holding a Kriss vector.

Follow @DoootDoooT because one day they might give you a cookie but who knows because I sure dont

@ChiptheSkeleton follow this guy, he's really cool

whriquhroqihrtowrhtoui3rhtoi Got my Pc back

Transformers Devastation x Metal Gear rising (could or couldn't be a thing?)