All Posts in Puppet Combo

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I wanted to show this game for Christmas but I don't know why I'm posting it

Games like this are much more terrifying than recent games ?

Let there be The Night Ripper mobile !
I want anyone to convince Puppet combo for releasing The Night Ripper on PlayStore for mobile !

I tried to make the least original puppet combo inspired killer
Behold, the "Hair Ripper" (im really good with names)

I drew The Nun Massacre from the beautiful horror game . . . Well Nun Massacre created by the amazing developer Puppet Combo

Stay out of the house, This guy is strange

Stay out of the house, This job scares me

Does everyone knowtest that night ripper duck sound like Donald duck?

These Games Turned Me Into A Chicken!
Twisted Tuesday [Ep.17]:
Batty Bat Community:

These Games Turned Me Into A Chicken! | Twisted Tuesday [Ep.17]
/1.) Game Developers Black Eyed Priest & Henry Hoare (Torture Star Video/Puppet Combo):