game_news in Five Nights At Sonic's 3 - Reburned Community

Share your creations! reburned x mmi is cancelled (rip bozo...)

The Stuff I Did For FNaS: Maniac Mania Infinite
This videos shows everything I did for Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania Infinite by Smiler Furcifer. That's basically it. My Twitter:
minor patch that fixes a true ending bug
Just dropped a new patch, this fixes a lot of bugs and some graphical errors, also does some balancing changes.

Important announcement
Reburned skins will be available in Maniac Mania Recoded!
Check the video here:

Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania Recoded - FNaS 3 Reburned Skin Pack reveal
Coming soon.
1.1.3 Patch is out
fixes the skin bug
also fixes custom all max music bug with mp3s
game got updated cause minigame had a softlock bug (sorry), should be fixed now