general in Five Nights At Sonic's 3 - Reburned Community
Since now the game still is at the 2 night demo do you have enough time to finish?
ok so there was a tie with withered sonic, withered Mario and luigikid so who do you want the most?
Well, 2020 is coming to an end. Some of us may have had a good year. or not. But we hope to continue this fun in 2021!
See you then! -CalebnewGaming
Everything for main gameplay almost done
I just need a few more jumpscares
and then i can code I T
Some indications for FNAS 3: Reburned=
-Add Maybe Instructions In The Menu
-(Maybe) Add The Luiginette As A Boss In Night 6
ThAt AlL
If you can add me as a beta tester i would like to play it.
PyroRapidFox(4,567 Followers,Not Verified,But With The Best Games)
MidaGames(1,741 Followers,Not Verified,But With The Best Games)
Ultranite(819 Followers,Verified,And With 2 Amazing Games)
This is just a meme,but its true though
stop asking for night 3 beta.
it's annoying.